Monday, February 17, 2020

Understanding Business and Management Research Methods Assignment

Understanding Business and Management Research Methods - Assignment Example Understanding Business and Management Research Methods Research methodologies generally are of two types viz. quantitative and qualitative research methodology (Cameron and Molina-Azorin 2011). When both of them are combined then it is known as mixed methodology. Although authors held the view that mixed methodology is increasingly used in the business and management circles, the use of pure form of qualitative or quantitative research methodology is more visible. Further, it is stated in the article that strong theoretical and conceptual framework, legitimating, publication, academic recognition and seminal mixed method theorists make mixed methodology legitimate in research arena. Along with this, the duo claimed that this methodology is gaining popularity in fields, like medicine, nursing, health, education, behavioural and social sciences which are very exact comment of them. Though, this method is now used by a number of researchers, an established definition has not yet been written. For example, according to Thurston, Cove & Meado ws (2008, p. 3) ‘Mixed methods studies can either combine methods from different paradigms or use multiple methods within the same paradigm, or multiple strategies within methods’. However, The Journal of Mixed Methods Research (2006) defined mixed methods as ‘research in which the investigator collects, analyses, mixes, and draws inferences from both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or a program of inquiry’.... (1950s - 1980s), Paradigm debate period (1970s - late 1990s), Procedural development period (late 1980s – 2000), and the Advocacy as a separate design period (2000+). In addition to this, the duo authors have also discussed the growing interest of the academic journals and scholars in this third method of research which increases the academic weight of academic paper (Bergman 2008). Creswell and Plano Clark’s (2007) discipline acceptance levels for mixed methods is used by the authors to show the acceptance level of this third methodological movement. There are three level of acceptance developed by Creswell and Plano Clark’s (2007) .i.e. Minimal, Moderate and Major. For every level of acceptance there are certain benchmarks being listed below (Cameron 2008). There are five benchmarks for minimal acceptance and they are awareness within the discipline of qualitative research, publication of actual mixed method studies in discipline studies, graduate students usin g mixed methods in dissertation research, discussions in journals about the need for mixed methods, and mixed methods research discussed at professional conference. There are four benchmarks for moderate acceptance i.e. leaders in the discipline advocating use of mixed methods, workshop on mixed methods research forums dedicated to the discipline, Funding companies supporting mixed methods research, methodological discussions of mixed methods in journals devoted to the discipline. There are three benchmarks for major acceptance i.e. special issues of a journal focusing on the use of mixed methods in the discipline, publication of mixed methods studies in top discipline-based journals, course on mixed methods research as part of graduate research training programs. The authors have used above discipline

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ethics in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics in Practice - Essay Example Fox also provides suggestions for improvement. She strongly points out that although we should be thankful for the efforts of DeKeseredy and Kelly in researching into the important matter regarding the abuse of women, the approach of the researchers are too presumptuous and that the real dynamics of violence and abuse are too complicated to be explained by the statistical evidence presented. The conclusions as well as the implied messages of the researchers are flawed, in that the data itself is not sufficient to reach such conclusions. Before I begin stating my thoughts regarding the authors response, let me first make it clear that I stand strongly against men abusing women and that I support efforts to research further into the matter. Abuse is very damaging to the person experiencing it, whether it may come in the form of physical, emotional, or psychological damage. However, one must be very critical in defining what is considered as an abuse, and what is not. I believe that in the research done, the line was obscure and inappropriate. It is with this that I would like to say that I am in agreement with the author, in that the research done by DeKeseredy and Kelly is flawed and biased. I personally think that, based on the readings about their research, DeKeseredy and Kelly probably lack the experience necessary for a deeper understanding of what is really going on between man and woman. I felt that their conclusions were naà ¯ve, and that they looked only on the data without really understanding what is really going on. The dynamics of relationship is truly not that simple. But despite that, I salute the researchers for at least doing the research, because this is really a matter that everyone should be concerned about. Despite the fact that reading some of their conclusions regarding men and women and some of the things implied on their research made me frown quite a lot in disagreement, I would agree at the