Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Child Abuse Is The Worst Thing That Can Be Stopped

Child Abuse in Nigeria Uzuazokaro Anthony Eli Bacon Thursday 11:10am Central Idea: Child abuse is generally the worst thing that can happen to a child, to a country people say, but they just say it; especially in Nigeria where they encourage it even if they do not agree that they do. This act of wickedness has been the order of the day in Nigeria and people turn deaf ears to it. They pretend it’s not there but it is. My aim is to give my audience a breakdown of what goes on Nigeria that results in child abuse and how it can be stopped. I. Introduction: The World Health Organization defines child abuse as â€Å"an act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to a child†. The major types of child abuse and neglect range from physical†¦show more content†¦B. The average age for child trafficking ranges from 6 to 15 years. C. This situation is made worse by the 6.2 percent urban growth rate and about $320 per capita income. D. More than 70 percent of the Nigerian population live below $1 per day or worse, absolute poverty. E. A huge number of children are â€Å"chronically malnourished†. 1. 58% of boys suffer from malnutrition. 2. 44% percent of girls also suffer from malnutrition. III. The traditional occupation is farming and trading in Nigeria. A. In Northern Nigeria, children are made to work on farm plantations. 1. This kids are sometimes drugged to work extra hours. 2. Most times they have to work for 48 hours without a break. B. In order to be taught the Quran, the boys have to beg on the streets and give the proceeds to the Mallams that educate them. C. The girls have to hawk food stuffs or other valuables on the streets to be qualifies for marriage. IV. In the Eastern part of Nigeria, the idea of giving out children to be maids is very rampant. A. This children between the ages of 5 to 15 are given the responsibility to take care of new born infants. B. They are given the responsibility to handle electronic generators when there is power failure. C. They are the first to wake in the morning and the last to go to bed at night every day. D. When they fail to perform any task given to them they get seriously beaten up, starved, or tortured. E. You could say that these kids act like robots. V. Because of these

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sexuality Demonstrate Free Essays

Demonstrate an understanding of selected theories and models in relation to social work fields of practice. Task: * A group presentation by a group of up to 5 sstudents on one model or perspective, that demonstrates knowledge of its major assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. Each group is to demonstrate how they would apply this understanding in a specific field of practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexuality Demonstrate or any similar topic only for you Order Now * The perspective or model will be assigned to the groups on the first day of the class. Guidelines: * You are to work in groups of up to 5 on the perspective or model given to you on the first day of class. You are to describe the major features of the perspective or model with its major assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. You are to show how this perspective or model can be used within a social work field of practice. The group should be able to demonstrate why this perspective or model is appropriate for the selected field of practice. * Your findings are to be reported back to the class in a 30 minute group presentation. Your will be required to hand to the tutor after the presentation all supporting details. This will include relevant PowerPoint, OHP, handouts and a list of references/ bibliography. * You are expected to use a vvariety of adult learning methods in your presentation. The methods can include role-play, use of transparencies or PowerPoint, board, flip charts etc. Participants:| 1| Due Date:| 19th November 2013| Time Limit:| 2 hours| Nga huanga / Learning Outcome: * Explain the processes and methods of working with individuals, families, whanau, groups, and communities underpinned by a range of theories/models. Task: * A closed book in-class test based on lecture material, class discussions and readings. Guidelines: * The test will be conducted under normal test conditions. * The test will be a closed book test. * There will be 10 minutes reading time. * The test will be up to two hours long. * The questions may include multi-choice or essay type questions or a combination of these. How to cite Sexuality Demonstrate, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Obesity in Children Encyclopedia of Exercise

Question: Do you believe that childhood obesity is increasing or decreasing since you were a preschool age child? What lifestyle habits helped or prevented you from maintaining a healthy childhood weight? What program or theories from this video should be incorporated into early childhood settings? Answer: 1: Childhood obesity has multiplied over the past three decades. It has been named the modern day epidemic for its widespread effects. The statistics show that the number of obese children has increased exponentially since the 1980s (Gutin, 2012). In the preschool age of the yesteryear, that is when I was in the pre-school age, children enjoyed playing outdoor games and were accustomed to eating homemade food. Times have changed, and life has become busier. Children eat unhealthy junk food more than healthy homemade food; enjoy video games more than outside game. This has instigated increased obesity. 2: The best way to combat childhood obesity is to encourage outdoor sports, eating healthy, sleeping early and getting up early (Skinner Skelton, 2014). When I was a child, outdoor games of soccer and basketball were commonplace among the children and the teenagers; this developed into a habit and kept us active all the time. In our childhood eating homemade food was the norm. Chicken and broccoli were not force fed, but whether we liked it or not, the home food was the only option. The games kept us active, and the food kept the harmful toxins and fat away. 3: The video discusses the importance of developing lifelong healthy habits in children of impressionable age. Children of modern times can be taught to grow their garden, so they understand the importance of vegetables and enjoy the growing process. The fun activity will encourage them to eat more greens. Starting healthy habits like playing outside and communicating clearly can help in the healthy growth of the children as well. References Gutin, B. (2012). Obesity in Children.Encyclopedia of Exercise Medicine in Health and Disease, 657-659.Skinner, A. C., Skelton, J. A. (2014). Prevalence and trends in obesity and severe obesity among children in the United States, 1999-2012.JAMA pediatrics,168(6), 561-566.