Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Child Abuse Is The Worst Thing That Can Be Stopped

Child Abuse in Nigeria Uzuazokaro Anthony Eli Bacon Thursday 11:10am Central Idea: Child abuse is generally the worst thing that can happen to a child, to a country people say, but they just say it; especially in Nigeria where they encourage it even if they do not agree that they do. This act of wickedness has been the order of the day in Nigeria and people turn deaf ears to it. They pretend it’s not there but it is. My aim is to give my audience a breakdown of what goes on Nigeria that results in child abuse and how it can be stopped. I. Introduction: The World Health Organization defines child abuse as â€Å"an act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to a child†. The major types of child abuse and neglect range from physical†¦show more content†¦B. The average age for child trafficking ranges from 6 to 15 years. C. This situation is made worse by the 6.2 percent urban growth rate and about $320 per capita income. D. More than 70 percent of the Nigerian population live below $1 per day or worse, absolute poverty. E. A huge number of children are â€Å"chronically malnourished†. 1. 58% of boys suffer from malnutrition. 2. 44% percent of girls also suffer from malnutrition. III. The traditional occupation is farming and trading in Nigeria. A. In Northern Nigeria, children are made to work on farm plantations. 1. This kids are sometimes drugged to work extra hours. 2. Most times they have to work for 48 hours without a break. B. In order to be taught the Quran, the boys have to beg on the streets and give the proceeds to the Mallams that educate them. C. The girls have to hawk food stuffs or other valuables on the streets to be qualifies for marriage. IV. In the Eastern part of Nigeria, the idea of giving out children to be maids is very rampant. A. This children between the ages of 5 to 15 are given the responsibility to take care of new born infants. B. They are given the responsibility to handle electronic generators when there is power failure. C. They are the first to wake in the morning and the last to go to bed at night every day. D. When they fail to perform any task given to them they get seriously beaten up, starved, or tortured. E. You could say that these kids act like robots. V. Because of these

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sexuality Demonstrate Free Essays

Demonstrate an understanding of selected theories and models in relation to social work fields of practice. Task: * A group presentation by a group of up to 5 sstudents on one model or perspective, that demonstrates knowledge of its major assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. Each group is to demonstrate how they would apply this understanding in a specific field of practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexuality Demonstrate or any similar topic only for you Order Now * The perspective or model will be assigned to the groups on the first day of the class. Guidelines: * You are to work in groups of up to 5 on the perspective or model given to you on the first day of class. You are to describe the major features of the perspective or model with its major assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. You are to show how this perspective or model can be used within a social work field of practice. The group should be able to demonstrate why this perspective or model is appropriate for the selected field of practice. * Your findings are to be reported back to the class in a 30 minute group presentation. Your will be required to hand to the tutor after the presentation all supporting details. This will include relevant PowerPoint, OHP, handouts and a list of references/ bibliography. * You are expected to use a vvariety of adult learning methods in your presentation. The methods can include role-play, use of transparencies or PowerPoint, board, flip charts etc. Participants:| 1| Due Date:| 19th November 2013| Time Limit:| 2 hours| Nga huanga / Learning Outcome: * Explain the processes and methods of working with individuals, families, whanau, groups, and communities underpinned by a range of theories/models. Task: * A closed book in-class test based on lecture material, class discussions and readings. Guidelines: * The test will be conducted under normal test conditions. * The test will be a closed book test. * There will be 10 minutes reading time. * The test will be up to two hours long. * The questions may include multi-choice or essay type questions or a combination of these. How to cite Sexuality Demonstrate, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Obesity in Children Encyclopedia of Exercise

Question: Do you believe that childhood obesity is increasing or decreasing since you were a preschool age child? What lifestyle habits helped or prevented you from maintaining a healthy childhood weight? What program or theories from this video should be incorporated into early childhood settings? Answer: 1: Childhood obesity has multiplied over the past three decades. It has been named the modern day epidemic for its widespread effects. The statistics show that the number of obese children has increased exponentially since the 1980s (Gutin, 2012). In the preschool age of the yesteryear, that is when I was in the pre-school age, children enjoyed playing outdoor games and were accustomed to eating homemade food. Times have changed, and life has become busier. Children eat unhealthy junk food more than healthy homemade food; enjoy video games more than outside game. This has instigated increased obesity. 2: The best way to combat childhood obesity is to encourage outdoor sports, eating healthy, sleeping early and getting up early (Skinner Skelton, 2014). When I was a child, outdoor games of soccer and basketball were commonplace among the children and the teenagers; this developed into a habit and kept us active all the time. In our childhood eating homemade food was the norm. Chicken and broccoli were not force fed, but whether we liked it or not, the home food was the only option. The games kept us active, and the food kept the harmful toxins and fat away. 3: The video discusses the importance of developing lifelong healthy habits in children of impressionable age. Children of modern times can be taught to grow their garden, so they understand the importance of vegetables and enjoy the growing process. The fun activity will encourage them to eat more greens. Starting healthy habits like playing outside and communicating clearly can help in the healthy growth of the children as well. References Gutin, B. (2012). Obesity in Children.Encyclopedia of Exercise Medicine in Health and Disease, 657-659.Skinner, A. C., Skelton, J. A. (2014). Prevalence and trends in obesity and severe obesity among children in the United States, 1999-2012.JAMA pediatrics,168(6), 561-566.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

William Blake’s ‘Girls’ an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by

William Blake’s ‘Girls’ William Blakes poems Little Girl Lost and Little Girl Found read as one poem in an allegorical fashion. The parable, as Blake often writes with biblical themes, is about a child losing their way, coupled with the fear of the parent and the eventual finding of the child, not by the parents but by God, metaphorically appearing as a lion or tiger. As one poem is found in Songs of Innocence (Little Girl Lost) and the other poem appearing in Songs of Experience (Little Girl Found) it may be surmised that some earthly and harrowing event occurred in which separated these two poems into these different categories or songs, but that there exists a unification of the tale in the Song of Experience since it is with innocence that the little girl is lost. Need essay sample on "William Blakes Girls" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Little Girl Lost begins with a couplet in which Blake rhymes age and page and time with crime (Blake); albeit these are very simple rhymes Blake used them purposefully to elaborate on the concept of innocence and to portray in his songs something childlike in the narrative. Blake uses simple rhymes in all of his poems in Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. The poem Little Girl Lost focuses on the parable of a little girl lost. The poem begins as a type of parable in which Blake instructs the reader by stating Children of the future age which is his way of referencing through the poem to the reader or children, and thus giving them instructions about living and life. Blake further exemplifies how life was In the age of gold (Blake) which would be equivalent to Once upon a time since the fairy tale image is very close to Blakes writing style although his poems are seemingly more urgent in their message. The story then progresses to give the reader a scene setting where the atmosphere is of warm temperament or free from the winters cold (Blake) and it speaks of youth, innocence, holiness and being naked. This resembles in some degrees the Garden of Eden. This conjecture can be made since most of Blakes poems are referencing points which direct the readers attention to scenes from the Old Testament. This Garden of Eden parable seems completely innocent in its forthcoming stage of youth and sunshine. Blake speaks about a youthful pair which could be Adam and Eve symbolically speaking which carry over to the next poem Little Girl Found in which God actually finds the little girl and the parents and brings them back together in a den of tigers, which could only mean heaven since the poems jointly speak of Waves oer heavens deep (Blake) and then lonely den(Blake). Blake introduces two lovers meeting in a garden bright(Blake) again the Eden imageryand Blake states that the maiden forgets her fear which could mean that she succumbs to the other lover, but in context with Adam and Eve it could mean she finds experience and thus her innocence is lost which would better explain the following stanzas. The maiden, after having experienced the lover goes to her father white which in keeping with the concept of the parable is God since God is typically imaged in a white gown with surrounding light. The maiden, upon seeing this image begins to shake which means that she is consciously aware of her actions and realizes that kissing her lover and gaining experience (albeit, having sex) makes her standing before God filled with sin and thus all her tender limbs with terror shook. The innocent would not shake with terror before God because they would not know what terror was; it is with the gaining of experience that the little girl shook in front of God. Following this, the next stanza reads in the voice of God pleading with the little girl to speak. Blake was also instructing in this poem to parents. God as the father figure is thwarted when the girl gains experience and is lost and chastises himself for his dismal care (Blake) which states to the readers that parents should not neglect nor lose their children for fear of what may happen to them. Following this Little Girl Found exemplifies the distraught nature of the parents who find that their child is missing. This song also begins with a rhyming couplet. The journey of the parents is very consciously written with the incorporation of nature. Like its predecessor, this poem begins with very exact images of nature; in juxtaposition to the garden image, this poem begins with a desert. This is Blakes clever way of emphasizing the plush and verdant garden and the analogy of this with innocence to the desert scenes that are dry and lacking life which emphasizes the parents sorrow. The parents travel for seven days and nights. In terms of a parable this is reminiscent of Noahs Ark and the traveling on faith alone for forty days and nights. The parents way is a pathless wandering which is typical of Blake to have the parents traveling in the wild without direction since Blake wants to reiterate the power of God and that it is only through God that a person may find their way; this was also true for the little girl who had lost her way but was found by God. Blake paints the parents in a very devastating manner; they are weak, pale, famished, weeping and all together trembling for bodily needs and comforts but mostly to find their daughter. The mother figure cannot bear to move any longer not only due to physical duress but also due to woe (Blake). Thus, the father figure, her husband has to bear her further in order to find their daughter. It is at this point in the journey or search that the parents come across a lion. They could not go back nor could they progress, as Blake states, Soon his heavy man Bore them to the ground, Then he stalked around (Blake). It is as though the lion is sizing them up, judging them and their power to continue the journey. As in the previous poem, it is with the appearance of the lion or the father or God that the individuals of each poem find their path. The parents at first fear the lion until he licks their hands (Blake) and then they realize that they are safe and in a way, they are found. Upon gazing at the lion the parents are surprised that it transforms or in biblical terms it transubstantiates into a spirit armed in gold (Blake) and on his head a crown (Blake) which is Blakes way of giving the audience a very full image without fear of misinterpretation. Upon the appearance of this golden entity any fear, or woe that the parents had previously has disappeared and in its place is hope which was not there prior to the appearance of the lion. Thus, God gives hope where once there was none, is how the parable would read. This entity, or God, tells the parents to Follow me (Blake) and they discover that God has in turn found their little girl. She resides in his palace sleeping. Blake describes the following scene is a very keen observation in relaying a parable; he juxtaposes this girl sleeping next to wild tigers. This is to emphasize that in the presence of God such physical dangers are unrealistic since with God nothing can harm a person. Thus, as the parents approach the girl and as the story states they dwell in the lonely dell (Blake) but alongside these wild creatures. The parents as well as the girl do not fear the wolvish howl Nor the lions growl (Blake) because they are in the presence of God. These poems jointly represent how it is only through the power of God that hope can be found; without God the pathway and journey is rugged and overgrown and people get lost, but through God the journey is able to be traversed. Thus, the Little Girl Lost and the Little Girl Found have biblical elements in both the allegory of the tiger as God and the allegory of being lost then found through God. Work Cited Blake, W. Little Girl Lost. Online. Retrieved 10 February 2008: http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/blake/little_girl_lost.html Blake, W. Little Girl Found. Online. Retrieved 10 February 2008: https://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/blake/little_girl_found.html

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10 Steps to Training Your Brain for Peak Performance

10 Steps to Training Your Brain for Peak Performance You can get the greatest job in the world and be set up to have the greatest career you’ve always dreamed of. Think you’re done? Well, you could be. You could rest on your laurels and coast for the rest of your working days. Or you could stay sharp, keep learning, and put yourself in the path for even bigger things. How to do that? Simple. Whether you’re trying to stay sharp to get ahead or just trying to improve your memory and general mental performance, here are a few strategies to train your brain.1. Feed  it well.There is such a thing as brain food. What we eat does affect our memory and function. Get your neural circuits set up for success by eating fish high in omega fatty acids, cut back on the sugar, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Taking a handful of vitamin supplements won’t hurt either. Try B-vitamins, C, E, omegas, choline, and other antioxidants.2. Exercise daily.Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Twenty minutes of walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing a day can really improve your cognitive capacity. Plus it makes you look and feel better!3. Play games.Strategy, role-playing, and verbal games, even challenging crossword puzzles or Sudoku can engage your prefrontal cortex and help you build memory, self-awareness, incentive and reward processing.4. Practice meditation.Meditation can be a magic reset button for the brain. Awaken your cells and focus your mind and find yourself better prepared to face the day. Even 15 minutes a day can really make a difference.5.  Get enough sleep.Getting enough rest is absolutely crucial to peak function. If you’re not sleeping enough, you’re compromising your ability to assimilate new information. Give yourself and your brain a chance to rest. Shoot for a minimum of 7 hours a night.6. Keep learning.The day you stop learning is the day you stagnate. Start with things that interest you most, then read up as much as you can. See k out online or in-person lectures, or resources on television or the internet. And read a good book! Even one you don’t expect to be as interested in. You’ll never know where it might take you!7. Trigger your memoriesThumb through old pictures and try to recall what you were doing, eating, wearing, as well as the names of all the people. Digging back for details like these can really stimulate your memory apparatus.8. Turn off the GPS.Remember the good old days of having to write out directions and then find your way to your destination without a voice in your ear telling you to â€Å"Turn right† in 100 feet? It’s actually very useful exercise to let your brain figure out on its own how to get from point A to B. And you’ll figure out your bearings that much faster in a new place.9. Memorize something.Whether a poem or a favorite song, expanding your brain by memorizing something can really help get your brain back in shape. It will also help you t o build your vocabulary.10. Lay off the booze.Drinking in moderation is fine, but alcohol is a depressant and can slow down mental functions. If you need to be at top form, put down the martinis for a day or two. You’ll likely sleep and think much better!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Requirements to Become President of the U.S.

Requirements to Become President of the U.S. What are the constitutional requirements and qualifications to serve as president of the United States? Forget the nerves of steel, the charisma, the background and skill set, the fund-raising network,  and the legions of loyal folks who agree with your stance on all the issues. Just to get into the game, you have to ask: How old are you and where were you born? The U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution imposes only three eligibility requirements on persons serving as president, based on the officeholder’s age, time of residency in the U.S., and citizenship status: No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. These requirements have been modified twice. Under the 12th Amendment, the same three qualifications were applied to the vice president of the United States. The 22nd Amendment limited office holders to two terms as president. Age Limits In setting the minimum age of 35 for serving as president, compared to 30 for senators and 25 for representatives, the framers of the Constitution implemented their belief that the person holding the nation’s highest elected office should be a person of maturity and experience. As early Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story noted, the character and talent of a middle-aged person are fully developed, allowing them a greater opportunity to have experienced â€Å"public service† and to have served â€Å"in the public councils.† Residence While a member of Congress need only be an â€Å"inhabitant† of the state he or she represents, the president must have been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years. The Constitution, however, is vague on this point. For example, it does not make clear whether those 14 years need to be consecutive or the precise definition of residency. On this, Justice Story wrote, by residence, in the Constitution, is to be understood, not an absolute inhabitancy within the United States during the whole period; but such an inhabitancy, as includes a permanent domicile in the United States. Citizenship In order to be eligible to serve as president, a person must either have been born on U.S. soil or (if born overseas) to at least one parent who is a citizen. The Framers clearly intended to exclude any chance of foreign influence from the highest administrative position in the federal government. John Jay felt so strongly on the issue that he sent a letter to George Washington in which he demanded that the new Constitution require a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen. Supreme Court Justice Story would later write that the natural-born-citizenship requirement â€Å"cuts off all chances for ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office.† Under the ancient English common-law principle of jus soli, all persons- other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats- born within the borders of a country are considered citizens of that country from birth. As a result, most people born within the United States- including the children of undocumented immigrants- are â€Å"natural born citizens† legally eligible to serve as president under the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, which states, â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.†    Less clear-cut, however, is whether children born abroad to United States citizens are similarly â€Å"natural born citizens† and eligible to serve as president. Since 1350, the British Parliament has applied the rule of jus sanguinis, which holds that newborn children inherit the citizenship of their parents, regardless of the place of birth. Thus, it is not surprising that when Congress enacted the first U.S. naturalization law in 1790, that law declared that â€Å"the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens.†   Ã‚  Ã‚   Still, the question of whether the term â€Å"natural born Citizen† used in the Presidential Eligibility Clause of Article II incorporates both the parliamentary rule of jus sanguinis in addition to the common law principle of jus soli. In the 1898 case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that citizenship through jus sanguinis, while available by statute, was not available through the 14th Amendment. Today, however, most constitutional experts argue that the Presidential Eligibility Clause of Article II does incorporate both jus sanguinis and jus soli, so George Romney, who was born in Mexico to American parents was eligible to run for president in 1968. Presidential Trivia and Controversies John F. Kennedy was the  youngest person  to be elected president; he was 43 years old when he was inaugurated in 1961.There is no maximum age limit set forth in the Constitution.  Ronald Reagan  was the  oldest president; at the end of his term in 1988, he was nearly 77.A number of presidential hopefuls have had their citizenship questioned over the years. During the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump accused Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban-born father, of not being eligible for the presidency.The election of President Barack Obama in 2008, whose father was Kenyan, prompted a number of lawmakers to call for the presentation of a candidates birth certificate at the time that he or she files for candidacy.  Martin Van Buren was the first president to be born after the American Revolution, making him the first true American to serve.Virginia has produced more presidents- eight- than any other state. However, five of those men were born p rior to independence. If you count only persons born after the American Revolution, then the honor goes to Ohio, which has produced seven leaders. Election Day was established by Congress in 1845 as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Prior to that, each state set its own date for elections.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Psycho (the movie) Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alfred Hitchcock's Contribution To Cinema - Essay Example Aristotle, in the Poetics, while attempted to provide definition of tragedy, provided a great deal of emphasis over purgation of â€Å"pity† and â€Å"fear† and as a tragedy effectively provides an emotional outlet to such human sensibilities, is also capable of attaining appreciation of the audience: â€Å"Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious and complete, and which has some greatness about it. It imitates in words with pleasant accompaniments, each type belonging separately to the different parts of the work. It imitates people performing actions and does not rely on narration. It achieves, through pity and fear, the catharsis of these sorts of feelings† (Aristotle; Cited in Shields 385). Despite the fact that context of the topic of discussion does not really provide sufficient scope to evaluate that how successful the movie Psycho (1960) is as a tragedy, however, relevance of this definition seems quite evident as explicit evidence can be cited, indicating the fact that behind development of a successful commercial film, Hitchcock has relied considerably on the features of purgation as well as providing attention over psychological state of the audience, as pointed out in the classical definition itself. It would be wrong if the success of the Psycho is evaluated entirely from the commercial perspective. The director, in an interview though, has admitted that the film was made on a budget of â€Å"eight hundred thousand dollars† and till the date of interview â€Å"it has grossed some fifteen million dollars† (Hitchcock; Kolker 21), however, it cannot be denied that in order to attain such a great success from artistic, aesthetic and commercial perspective the directorial ingeniousness regarding the art of filmmaking and perceiving audience’s psychology played a very vital part.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Violation of Patient Consent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Violation of Patient Consent - Essay Example Though the meeting at the doctor’s office was held in dispute being the point of divergence from the two statements, the hearing managed to establish that at least both the doctor and the patient accurately identified each other due to recollected encounters at the hospital’s ER. Apparently, the violation indicated that no authorization to examine was given to the defendant by the plaintiff such that factual details of results may not be divulged to the third party – company or employer of the patient – unless her full consent was granted. To help settle the issue, it was found that a form from the side of the third party had been signed by the patient worker and it particularly reflected that â€Å"she understood her medical record would form part of the company’s permanent record of her employment (Can. Fam. Physician, 790).† Her decision to have done so by signing was taken into account as a proper authorization and as an additional relief to the direction of the case, the doctor presented evidence wherein the medical documents handed over to the employer merely consisted of the information on the normal x-ray which the patient herself supplied the physician with. Moreover, the defending party proved innocence toward the allege d breach of confidentiality by showing the court an available note which manifested the patient’s written compliance to be examined by the physician. A portion of the defendant’s query about â€Å"indigestion† was responded to with â€Å"not now† by the plaintiff and this served another indispensable proof of the event of their conference within the doctor’s premise (Can. Fam. Physician). The judge, accordingly, recognized that there emerged a cause of action when the plaintiff conveyed upset feelings on the basis of her misguided understanding of the breach of trust which she suspected to have occurred between her and the defendant.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Christina Rossettis No Thank-You John and Robert Graves A Slice of We

Christina Rossetti's No Thank-You John and Robert Graves' A Slice of Wedding Cake Poetry is a completely malleable form of expression that writers use as an outlet for emotion and advocacy. Because each poet is distinct in form and content, a poet may harbor some characteristics that bare a resemblance to work of another. If there is no room for comparison, a poem may have a literary complement that sets up an interesting contrast between poems, or a poem may reinforce the ideas of another poem. The works of Christina Rossetti and Robert Graves are no exception. Though the two lived in different centuries, they both wrote about relationships between the sexes. Rossetti and Graves’ forms differed even as their contents played upon one another in the poems â€Å"No Thank-You John† and â€Å"A Slice of Wedding Cake† respectively. Christina Rossetti was nothing if she were not a true artist. Rossetti was born in 1830 and lived until 1894 as a poet who had an early passion for art and literature (â€Å"Christina Rossetti† 1583). The driving force in Rossetti’s life was religion. She was a self-regulator who made decisions based on rigid religious values. In the midst of her unfaltering spiritual devotion, Rossetti gave up theater, opera, and chess (â€Å"Christina Rossetti† 1583). Rossetti never married, but that is not to say that she never had plans for marriage. She was engaged twice and both times broke the engagements for religious reasons. Rossetti wrote pure lyric, narrative fable, ballad, and devotional verse (â€Å"Christina Rossetti† 1583). She wrote poetry that dealt with deflection and negation. The Norton Anthology writes, â€Å"[Her] very denials and constraints give her a powerful way to articulate a poetic self in critical relationsh... ...g the line roll without incident. Specifically, the sound â€Å"s† is repeated throughout the work using the words â€Å"simple, self-sacrifice, self-pitying, [and] sly† create the effect. The alliteration in the work makes the poem flow from word to word, line to line, and stanza to stanza. The alliteration creates an impression in the poem that stresses Graves’ key idea: the men are not worthy of the women that married them. Graves and Rossetti are poets of a different era. Rossetti’s speaker’s action towards John is something that Graves would have been in favor of. Both poets were not afraid to express themselves through their verse. The differences in gender between Rossetti and Graves do not prevent them from sharing an opinion on the topic of relationships. Each poet knew how to use poetic devices such as alliteration and vivid diction to achieve his point.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Waiting for the phone call

The room is stuffy. It has a gaudy lino floor with pattern rubbed away in front of the sofa and round the table; the walls are damp and cluttered with old calendars and pictures torn from magazines. There is a rotten stench. The mantelpiece by the fireplace is filled with china ornaments: big-eyed flop-eared rabbits and beribboned kittens and flowery milkmaids and a porcelain doll wearing a Victorian dress and her long, golden hair in two neat plaits. The room is silent; except for the steady paced ‘tick-tock' from the ancient Grand-father clock. It is Dorothy's birthday, 12th August. She is hunched up on her old tacky sofa on an early August morning. Dorothy is startled by birdsong echoing across the garden outside and, for a long time, she stares in confused remembrance towards where the swelling orange sun is burning the faded floral wallpaper across from her old-fashioned table. ‘It's my birthday,' she finally realises. ‘I'm seventy-six today. Where did it go?' Climbing painfully from a lumpy sofa, standing in a striped night dress by the window, Dorothy stares outside in her back garden. There's much too be done. Later. Much later. These days it's all weed killing, backache and sore bones. ‘It's my birthday.' Dorothy's cat slithers past a glass sharp wall and drops beside its shadow under an apple tree, stalking anxious sparrows. Under the broken birdhouse a mouse plays with a nibble of yesterday's bread. Shadows shrink in bright shyness against all the garden fences and the last star melts into dawn rise. There's heat in the breathless August day already. Dorothy sits in her kitchen. Silent. The house, holding its breath around her, the roof heavy and oven baked. Dorothy's thick veined hands brush toast crumbs from the plastic tabletop and when she moves her faded dainty feet dust dances giddily on the sun patched carpet. She listens to the awakening of the new day: the clock on the dresser ticks hurriedly and the letter box snaps awake. Dorothy walks to the hall and picks up bills and ads that promise discounts and holidays abroad, Dorothy has never been out of England, never been on a plane. Her tired eyes examine the envelopes at arm's length. There are no birthday cards to sigh over – Not even from her family! Returning to the familiar kitchen she slides a knife along her letters, slitting out the folded information. It's better than nothing. Even if the electricity is red and overdue – At least, they keep in touch. No longer absorbed in her letter opening task Dorothy looks at the sunlight shining blindly on her glazed, brown teapot and then she pours some lukewarm tea. She sits and thinks about birthdays back then – Cakes and drinks, songs and celebrations and her precious beloved family members spending time with her on her special day. Back when. ‘Time flies,' she says. She's talking to herself most days – who else will listen? Up in the still shadowed parlour a clock chimes the hour and Dorothy rises tiredly and prepares to face the day. She stumbles into the living room and looks up to the mantelpiece. No birthday cards – Only a picture of her and her adorable grandchildren, Steven and Carol. Her eyes close. She becomes delirious with dreaming†¦ Carol skipping up the lawn with a small straw basket, picking up little daisies and carefully placing them in the basket. Steven, being 2 years old, filling the bird house with crunchy treats awaiting the magpies to glide in. Dorothy is stood under the apple tree, tip-toeing up and grabbing fresh, ripe apples for her relatives. Carol and Steven run over to Dorothy and wrap their arms tightly around her as if they were to never let go†¦ Dorothy smiles and wishes she could still feel their small hands around her waist, grabbing securely. She dresses and walks to the front door and checks the windows and the bolts and all's secure. When the night time house creaks with its own age, Dorothy thinks of burglars and imagined violations and trembles in case they invade her. Dorothy swings open the front door and sees Carol and Steven stands there, smiling like sunlight. ‘Happy birthday Grandmother!' No longer astonished, Dorothy smiles back and sighs because they aren't really there. Her head sinks and she wonders back to living room. She notices the phone on the table. She slides over to it. Gently picks it up to check if the dial tone is there – she is reassured and drops it down. No phone calls. No phone messages. No birthday cards. She collapses into her tacky sofa. When she turns on the television the news assaults her soul. The world is littered with dead children and pain. The world has gone mad with cruelty and nobody seems to have noticed. It was different back in her day, when children could go out and play happily on the street without anybody worrying that someone would come abruptly attack them. Back when. She is startled by the sharp ringing of the phone. Her heart is pounding – could this be the phone call she has been waiting for all day? Is this her treasured family? She reaches over and clasps the phone. ‘Hello?' she asks waiting urgently for answer. ‘Hello. My name is Abigail Taylor calling on behalf of†¦' the woman replied. Dorothy slowly lowers the handset and replaces it back in the holder. She stands there paralysed. A tiny tear drop trickles down her wrinkly skin. She felt so much pain it was as if someone had stabbed her millions of times in the heart. What is the point of living if there is nobody who even knows you exist? The Grandfather clock strikes six in the evening. She strolls back to the photo of her with her grandchildren. Dorothy bursts out in tears – her eyes sore and red and waterfalls of tears flowing down her face. She picks up the photo and holds it against her broken heart. Dorothy still hopes to get that special phone call from her much-loved grandchildren.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Relationship between algae and tidepool chemistry

Relationship between algal cover and water chemistry in rockroses Mad Mukluks Mad Midair ABSTRACT Interstitial Rockford is one of the harshest environment in marine ecosystem. Most of the organisms living in it has to have adoptions to survive in harsh conditions, especially algal. A research was done to see if biotic factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH value could have a significant correlation with total percentage of algal cover. Initial hypothesis was dissolved oxygen and pH value are correlated to total algal cover.Each pool sample's water hammiest were measured and tested for 2 day period. The correlation between dissolved oxygen and algal cover is weak, proving that dissolved oxygen is not fairly important, where pH value has stronger correlation than the other chemical property tested. Most of the rockroses observed has high percentage cover of coralline algal. INTRODUCTION Rocky shore are coastal shores that are consists of hard substrates. It i s regarded as the most ecological part of the marine system (Library et al, 2012).Rocky shore has three zone; low, mid and high with variety of communities living on each interstitial matrix (Phenylalanine's, 2007). High interstitial zone has rockroses and go to several months without being replenished from the seawater (McAllen & Taylor, 2001). Interstitial Rockford have a relative stable environment where that has few changes in terms of physical conditions when the water reaches low tide (Kemp, 2009). Both McAllen & Taylor (2001) and Berkshire et al (1987) stated that rockroses undergoes many extreme physic-chemical conditions and few organisms are able to live in rockroses.These biotic factors have a significant influence in community dynamics and population (Theatrical, 2002). Thus, it has large abundance of specialized tax vying in rockroses, such as algae (Murals, 2013). The water chemistry of rockroses fluctuates rapidly when low tide, particularly oxygen concentration, pH v alue, temperature and salinity. Temperature and salinity is important for algae, whereas oxygen concentration and pH value is produced by algae. Oxygen is important to all living organism and the availability of oxygen in rockroses is low, which can lead to hypoxia to organisms living in it (Berkshire et al, 1987).However, high algal cover could increase the saturation level of oxygen in rockroses, but there is little research done on hyperemia on rockroses. Algae requires sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, which in return produce more oxygen in rockroses. It will also produce hydrogen, which makes the Rockford more acidic. Temperature is also important, because the temperature in rockroses is relatively higher than normal seawater temperature. Increasing temperature could affect the algae in terms of physiology and actions of algae (Library et al, 2012).According to Kemp (2009), increasing water temperature can be caused by long exposure from sunlight and also the loca tion of Rockford. In a study done by Kemp at the coast of South Africa, he water temperature in rockroses were ranging from low ICC to high ICC during peak hours. Nowhere (1998) specified that sunlight has a tremendous effect on primary production in the aquatic system in rockroses. Salinity also can affect the water chemistry of rockroses.The changing level salinity of rockroses are varied according to location and geographically and it can be caused either by input from seawater during high tide, evaporation and terrestrial runoff or rainfall (Kemp, 2009). Ended et al (2014) showed that salinity has large role in terms of species richness in rockroses. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the total algal cover is being affected by the water chemistry in rockroses during low tide. The aim of this experiment is to observe the relationships between algal cover and water chemistry, especially dissolved oxygen concentration.I expected to see high level of oxygen saturation in rockroses due to photosynthesis. I also expecting high algal cover in alkaline rockroses. Since there is few fauna living in rockroses, I do not take them as measurement in this experiment because I more interested in functional algal group. From this, I deduced a hypothesis for this experiment. The hypothesis is percentage of algal cover is positively correlated with pH value and dissolved oxygen and negatively correlated with salinity and temperature.METHOD Location The study site was at Cape Palliates, southern most point in North Island and the experiment ran for three days, from February 1st to February 3rd 2014. Pool sample A transect line of 50 meter was laid out across the high rocky shore and began find suitable Rockford samples. I try to locate good pools sample with pool criteria of a depth of 1 CM, area around 2-mm and the presence of algal cover per pool. I assure depth of each pool by measuring the depth 3 times at different deepest point in the pool to obtain an aver age depth.The length of the pool is measured across by a measuring tape. A total of twelve pools that quite meet the measuring criteria similar were marked at high shore in a two day period. As a reference, one pool sample from lower rocky shore was marked and measured to compare water chemistry only. After pools were marked, a CACM x CACM quadrant were put on the pool, a Perspex glass layer with 25 random points were put on top of the quadrant. The quadrant is used to measure percentage of algal cover and functional algal cover y using point intercept method.Each pool sample has it chemical properties measured on the 2nd and 3rd of February Measurement of oxygen concentration Measurement of oxygen concentration was made by using a portable oxygen measurer that is measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of salinity Measurement of Rockford salinity was made by using a refractors. The salinity w as measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of temperatureThe temperature of the Rockford was measured by using a simple thermometer twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of pH value The pH value of the Rockford is measured using a pH meter and measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. However, while measuring the chemical properties of Rockford, I discovered that 5 out the 12 pool sample has geographical problems, such as drainage, constant terrestrial runoff and shadowed that will alter findings.It was decided that problem pool samples was not counted, and 7 remaining sample is used for the experiment. Statistical analysis I used ASS Enterprise Guide 5. 1 to obtain the linear regression to see the relationship between algal cover with 4 water chemistry; percentage of dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and pH value. I also will use ASS to obtain the p-value of each correlation, regression (RE) and F ratio for each correlation. RESULTS Table 1 : measurement of water chemistry of pool sample at low tide after being exposed Pool sample pH value Temperature (co) salinity (US) Relationship between algae and tidepool chemistry Relationship between algal cover and water chemistry in rockroses Mad Mukluks Mad Midair ABSTRACT Interstitial Rockford is one of the harshest environment in marine ecosystem. Most of the organisms living in it has to have adoptions to survive in harsh conditions, especially algal. A research was done to see if biotic factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH value could have a significant correlation with total percentage of algal cover. Initial hypothesis was dissolved oxygen and pH value are correlated to total algal cover.Each pool sample's water hammiest were measured and tested for 2 day period. The correlation between dissolved oxygen and algal cover is weak, proving that dissolved oxygen is not fairly important, where pH value has stronger correlation than the other chemical property tested. Most of the rockroses observed has high percentage cover of coralline algal. INTRODUCTION Rocky shore are coastal shores that are consists of hard substrates. It i s regarded as the most ecological part of the marine system (Library et al, 2012).Rocky shore has three zone; low, mid and high with variety of communities living on each interstitial matrix (Phenylalanine's, 2007). High interstitial zone has rockroses and go to several months without being replenished from the seawater (McAllen & Taylor, 2001). Interstitial Rockford have a relative stable environment where that has few changes in terms of physical conditions when the water reaches low tide (Kemp, 2009). Both McAllen & Taylor (2001) and Berkshire et al (1987) stated that rockroses undergoes many extreme physic-chemical conditions and few organisms are able to live in rockroses.These biotic factors have a significant influence in community dynamics and population (Theatrical, 2002). Thus, it has large abundance of specialized tax vying in rockroses, such as algae (Murals, 2013). The water chemistry of rockroses fluctuates rapidly when low tide, particularly oxygen concentration, pH v alue, temperature and salinity. Temperature and salinity is important for algae, whereas oxygen concentration and pH value is produced by algae. Oxygen is important to all living organism and the availability of oxygen in rockroses is low, which can lead to hypoxia to organisms living in it (Berkshire et al, 1987).However, high algal cover could increase the saturation level of oxygen in rockroses, but there is little research done on hyperemia on rockroses. Algae requires sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, which in return produce more oxygen in rockroses. It will also produce hydrogen, which makes the Rockford more acidic. Temperature is also important, because the temperature in rockroses is relatively higher than normal seawater temperature. Increasing temperature could affect the algae in terms of physiology and actions of algae (Library et al, 2012).According to Kemp (2009), increasing water temperature can be caused by long exposure from sunlight and also the loca tion of Rockford. In a study done by Kemp at the coast of South Africa, he water temperature in rockroses were ranging from low ICC to high ICC during peak hours. Nowhere (1998) specified that sunlight has a tremendous effect on primary production in the aquatic system in rockroses. Salinity also can affect the water chemistry of rockroses.The changing level salinity of rockroses are varied according to location and geographically and it can be caused either by input from seawater during high tide, evaporation and terrestrial runoff or rainfall (Kemp, 2009). Ended et al (2014) showed that salinity has large role in terms of species richness in rockroses. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the total algal cover is being affected by the water chemistry in rockroses during low tide. The aim of this experiment is to observe the relationships between algal cover and water chemistry, especially dissolved oxygen concentration.I expected to see high level of oxygen saturation in rockroses due to photosynthesis. I also expecting high algal cover in alkaline rockroses. Since there is few fauna living in rockroses, I do not take them as measurement in this experiment because I more interested in functional algal group. From this, I deduced a hypothesis for this experiment. The hypothesis is percentage of algal cover is positively correlated with pH value and dissolved oxygen and negatively correlated with salinity and temperature.METHOD Location The study site was at Cape Palliates, southern most point in North Island and the experiment ran for three days, from February 1st to February 3rd 2014. Pool sample A transect line of 50 meter was laid out across the high rocky shore and began find suitable Rockford samples. I try to locate good pools sample with pool criteria of a depth of 1 CM, area around 2-mm and the presence of algal cover per pool. I assure depth of each pool by measuring the depth 3 times at different deepest point in the pool to obtain an aver age depth.The length of the pool is measured across by a measuring tape. A total of twelve pools that quite meet the measuring criteria similar were marked at high shore in a two day period. As a reference, one pool sample from lower rocky shore was marked and measured to compare water chemistry only. After pools were marked, a CACM x CACM quadrant were put on the pool, a Perspex glass layer with 25 random points were put on top of the quadrant. The quadrant is used to measure percentage of algal cover and functional algal cover y using point intercept method.Each pool sample has it chemical properties measured on the 2nd and 3rd of February Measurement of oxygen concentration Measurement of oxygen concentration was made by using a portable oxygen measurer that is measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of salinity Measurement of Rockford salinity was made by using a refractors. The salinity w as measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of temperatureThe temperature of the Rockford was measured by using a simple thermometer twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. Measurement of pH value The pH value of the Rockford is measured using a pH meter and measured twice, one when the water reached low tide and one an hour later for a maximum exposure from the environment. However, while measuring the chemical properties of Rockford, I discovered that 5 out the 12 pool sample has geographical problems, such as drainage, constant terrestrial runoff and shadowed that will alter findings.It was decided that problem pool samples was not counted, and 7 remaining sample is used for the experiment. Statistical analysis I used ASS Enterprise Guide 5. 1 to obtain the linear regression to see the relationship between algal cover with 4 water chemistry; percentage of dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and pH value. I also will use ASS to obtain the p-value of each correlation, regression (RE) and F ratio for each correlation. RESULTS Table 1 : measurement of water chemistry of pool sample at low tide after being exposed Pool sample pH value Temperature (co) salinity (US)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The eNotes Blog Tips from the eNotes Intern Getting Over the Post-Winter BreakBlues

Tips from the Intern Getting Over the Post-Winter BreakBlues Here at , our intern evidently doesnt pull any punches. Following are the straight up facts about the post-winter break blues (aka WAA) and how to overcome them with this six step program, straight from your fellow students mouth: WINTER BREAK IS OVER. Ouch. That sort of hurt, didn’t it? I do apologize, I just thought saying it out loud might make it easier to comprehend. For many of us, our winter holidays are coming to an end. If you’re like me, you are now trying to piece together memories of what life was like before vacation, and it’s a very sad business. You have adapted to days filled with holiday celebrations, friends, family, the couch, copious amounts of cookies, home-cooked meals, the couch, your bed, blankets, and more couch time. Now, I don’t know about you, but adapting to that lifestyle took me all of three seconds. So why is it so hard to snap back into the â€Å"student† life we’ve been leading for practically all our years? The way I see it, there are three phases most of us go through. The Wallowing Phase The Acceptance Phase The Adapting Phase Let’s make an acronym out of it: â€Å"WAA.† WAA is the process by which the average student adjusts to reality after enduring a highly enjoyable, relaxing vacation. The first phase (Wallowing) is characterized by irritability, anxiousness, complaining, heightened laziness (the laziest you’ve ever been), and prolonged sleeping. The second phase (Acceptance) is characterized by, well, acceptance. You know that you have to go back to school and normal life, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now, I didn’t say you were necessarily happy about the situation, but you’ve become accustomed to the idea. The final phase (Adapting) is where you take steps to get used your student lifestyle again. Now, as a student who has seen many winter break transitions, I am a master of the WAA, especially phase 3. I thought I’d give you a few tips for getting back into the swing of things. They’re real, they’re awesome, and they’r e coming at you in list format: Make a list or two:  Time management is one of the most beneficial skills you can learn. Sometimes, keeping track of things is really difficult. There’s a pretty decent chance you’re a little flustered right now, seeing as you’ve been thrown right into the craziness of school all over again. With so many things to take care of (assignment due dates from here until June, exams, quizzes, projects, and all the aspects of your daily, personal lives as well), you’re quite right to be a little flustered. How are you going to get it all done and when? Whenever I feel this way, I make lists. Lists and lists and lists. They really work, and all it takes is a piece of paper and a pen (you can use some sort of iPhone app if you would like to, but I prefer the old-school format). Here’s what you do: write down a list of all the things you have to do. Just get it all out of your head and onto the paper. You can leave it just like that, if you’d like, or you can organize it further by due date, class, or some amalgamation of the two. Then when you complete a task, guess what? You get to cross it off. Believe me, it feels awesome. Not only can you see everything you have to accomplish very clearly in front of you, but you can also really feel and see yourself getting things done. So make a list, it can’t hurt! Create a routine and do your best to stick to it: Routines are really helpful for a couple of reasons. For one thing, they give you a clear idea of what your day or week is going to look like. You can become accustomed to the pattern so that certain things you don’t necessarily enjoy very much (say, exercising or studying for example) can be accomplished with much more ease. There’s a certain invisible accountability you feel to the routine. You can’t let it down! And once it becomes habit, it’s easy as pie. Routines also help with time management. Having a relatively set schedule makes it easier to know when you will have free time to accomplish certain tasks. You’ll feel charged and on track, ready to take on the day. Set realistic educational goals: Now I’m not saying you have to make a commitment to study eight hours a night. We have to be realistic. You could, for instance, give yourself the goal of finishing a term paper a week in advance, so you will have more time to study for finals at the end of the term. You might achieve that by doing little segments of the paper throughout the semester, or by blocking certain chunks of time for uninterrupted work on your paper. Any kind of goal, no matter how small, can really help propel you along this academic rollercoaster. Graduation, degrees- those can all seem very far off. If you can give yourself a goal that seems closer in proximity and feels more attainable, you will undeniably feel more motivated in the academic setting, and in your life in general. Be active: Yes, your bed is comfortable. Yes, your favorite TV drama is on. Yes, Facebook might as well be your desktop background. It’s nearly impossible to avoid all these things, especially when coming back from a vacation. It’s almost as if we’re being sucked in. One of the best ways to beat the winter break spell, then, is to fight back. We don’t always realize how lethargic we’ve become. Fighting lethargy and doing some exercise or even partaking in hobbies- anything to get you moving- will increase your energy. I mean, endorphins, right? You’ll be a happier camper if you’re up and about and moving around. The activity feeds off itself and you will find yourself doing more and more without thinking about it. You’ll stop counting the steps it takes to get from your bed to the refrigerator and instead use your legs willingly and excitedly. You’ll feel more alive, and subsequently, feel like you can take on the entire world. Yes, the world is your oyster. Remember why you’re really in school: Hey, be excited! You’ve been given this opportunity to learn at the hands of different professors and teachers, and you are getting something out of it. Even if you can’t appreciate it now, you know that deep down you really want to be here, and that you’re acquiring something invaluable by participating. You are getting an education that is going to help you create the future you want, whatever that may be. That is something to feel grateful for. Take a deep breath: Just do it. It will always help. Inhale, then exhale, slowly. Now smile, and go to class. You’re probably already late.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis Of Annual Report Of Bendigo And Adelaide Bank For Fy 2016

The title of the report is the analysis of the annual report of the company – Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. The annual report of the company consists of the financial statements of the company and the director’s report and the independent auditor’s report. The financial statements of the company tells about the financial performance of the company that it has gained during the reporting period and the financial position of the company that it has maintained at the end of the reporting period. Both the aspects go and work simultaneously and will inform about the working and functions of the company. The main aim of this report is to analyze the annual report of the company with respect to certain issues like assets and debts which will equip the users of the financial statements of the company including the stakeholders of the company about the working details of the company and to assess whether the company is working as desired by its stakeholders. With this consideration and the aim the report has been bifurcated into different section starting from the historical background of the company. After that the financial position of the company has been analysed by considering the balance sheet at the end of the reporting period. Thereafter the financial performance of the company has been analysed by considering the statement of profit and loss for the given reporting period. At the end the report has been ended by citing the conclusion stating the overall findings and the recommendation stating whether the stakeholders shall invest in this company. The company has its history started in the long back in late years of 1850’s. The company has been incorporated in the year of 1858 as Bendigo Mutual Permanent Land and Building Society to help the people who are migrating from Victoria to give them the better living and the better working conditions. After twenty years of the society formation, in the year of 1877 another society was formed namely Hind marsh Building Society which has only one aim of providing home to everyone who is in Australia. With this aim the society so created has gained the importance from many people. With the passage of the time, the society goes on growing and keeps on merging and acquiring the other societies and in the year 1982, Bendigo Building society has come up as the first financial institution which has introduced both visa and credit cards. In the year of 1993, Bendigo building society acquires the company namely National Mortgage Market Corporation Limited which is engaged in the busines s of mortgage and providing the introducers for the loans and acting as the brokers for arranging the loans. In the years of late 1990’s the company with the development in the field of banking has converted its name from the bendigo building society to Bendigo Bank (Intelligent Investor, 2017).   Bendigo bank opened its first branch office in Victoria and then has focused on the infrastructure projects of the country including the agricultural related business. The company has also been known as the company which has brought the account for offsetting the mortgage. This product has now standardized in the country of Australia. With this expansion and the growth in the business sector, the company in the year of 2007 has rejected the proposal from the Bank of Queensland for having the merger and merged with the well known bank namely Adelaide Bank. Soon after merging with the bank, the company with the approval of the members and shareholders of the company, the company has changed its name from Bendigo Bank to Bendigo and Adelaide Bank (Company Official Website, 2016). With this merger, the existence of the Bendigo and Adelaide bank has come and is now regarded as the fifth largest retail bank in the Australia employing more than 70000 employees across its all branches and serving millions of the customers across Australia for achieving their financial goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The financial position of any company is analyzed by critically evaluating the balance sheet of the company. The balance sheet of the company is prepared on the particular date therefore the financial position of the company has been analysed as on 30 th June 2016 (Company Official Website, 2016). There are also other issues like financial assets held for sale, trading and maturity, met loans and other receivable and the investment made in property plant and equipment and also the risk factors that have been mentioned separately in the annual report.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The financial performance of the company is analysed from the statement of income for the financial year ending 30 th of June 2016. Following issues have been identified (Company Official Website, 2016): Thus, apart from the above issues there other financial performance issues like Net Profit and the income tax expense, etc.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The banking industry plays very important role in not only the development of the country but also the development of the individuals by keeping their money safe and providing the interest on their funds and more importantly funding the company which requires for the development of any project which may be infrastructural or financial like agricultural related project or dam building project. Thus, in this way, the banking industry plays very important role in the development. The report has laid down how Bendigo and Adelaide bank has been formed and how the same have grown over the past 158 years at the increasing rate and still have the position of having more developments in the future. The report has analyzed the financial position and performance of the company and thus it is concluded that the report has raised the financial issues with regard to its recognition and presentation in the financial statements. It is recommended that the shareholders should invest and the stakeholder’s shall take interest in the company and shall make their decisions accordingly. Company Official Website, (2016), â€Å"Annual Report 2016†, available on https://www.bendigoadelaide.com.au   accessed on 23/05/2017. Intelligent Investor, (2017), â€Å"Bendigo and Adelaide Bank (BEN)†, available on https://www.intelligentinvestor.com.au/company/Bendigo-and-Adelaide-Bank-Limited-BEN-249121   accessed on 23/05/2017. accounting

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Certification and Standardization of Mediators Essay

Certification and Standardization of Mediators - Essay Example While it is true in most states a private individual can set himself or herself up as a private mediator, having the sanction of the State and the judiciary is what sets others apart from a mediocre mediator with no training and creates a realm of professionalism. It stands to reason that any kind of profession should have standardized training and credentials. In many states a person can offer private mediation services without taking a class, passing a test or having a special license or certification. Other States require certification from 20 hours to 40 hours, plus continuing education units, according to the Mediation Training Institute International. A few states require a substantive understanding of the area of law to be mediated and stop short of requiring a juris doctor degree. Several universities now offer master’s level degrees in the new area of mediation and alternative dispute resolution (Notre Dame, Creighton Law, Colorado Tech, Regis and Baker University to name but a few). Hawai’i, according to the Hawai’i State Judiciary (1996), is one of the States with minimal requirements. Professions, such as chiropractors, Certified Public Accountants and lawyers, must all receive rigorous training and pass a State test in order to receive their credentials. It is clear from the assigned reading materials that there is a model code of professional behavior to achieve positive results in mediation. Indeed, the American Bar Association endorses a specific standard (2000). Without a certain level of training and testing there is no way to regulate standards of behavior and practices within the profession of mediation. As a nascent field, the lack of standardization is normal. At one time a lawyer did not attend college of any sort and became a lawyer by simply reading the law under an older lawyer. That model has its